jeudi 2 juin 2016

Searching For The Correct Guitar Repair

By Jerry Meyer

When you own a guitar, you will from time to time need to get repairs done to your instrument. There are various things that can go wrong with electric guitars and acoustic models and there are a couple of things for you to consider before having work done. There are many options available to you when you are trying to find a guitar repair service and there are a few things you can do yourself to keep guitars in good order.

The first place you should visit when you need your instrument attending to is a reputable instrument store in your neighborhood. Most of the stores will offer a good repair service and they can also carry out check ups to keep instruments playing well. Yearly checkups are highly recommended this will help to keep it in good condition.

Another good place to find a repair service is the internet and there are many companies who advertise online. When you contact them by telephone or email they will ask you a few questions about the problem before arranging for your guitar to be sent to them. They will then carry out an inspection of the instrument and quote you for the work. If you do need to send an instrument by road it is very important to get suitable shipping insurance.

The price of repairs will depend on what type of problem needs rectifying. A small issue such as replacing a broken tuner will be fairly cheap and will not take long. If a more serious problem has occurred such as a warped neck or a split top then this will be a lot more costly.

There are some easy things that all players can do to keep guitars in good playable condition. Any instruments should be kept in cases when they are not being used to prevent accidental damage. When you have finished playing, your instrument needs to be thoroughly wiped over with a clean dry cloth before putting it back in the case for storage.

When you own an electric model there are some important things that you need to regularly check. The neck and body should be well cleaned and polished and kept in good condition. Volume and tone pots, electrical components and pickups should be checked every so often for wear. Your strings should be renewed regularly and this will help to keep the guitars neck true.

An acoustic instrument will also need maintenance and a lot of this can be done in your home. The wood should be kept free from any dust and the mechanical tuners need to be well lubricated with specialist oil. If playing regularly, your instrument should always be kept in its case, or on a stand and not left leaning against a wall.

When you need to store your guitar for long periods of time there are a few simple things to be done beforehand. Always thoroughly clean the instrument before storing it and keep it out of any direct sunlight. Another useful tip is to use a sachet of silica gel placed in your case to absorb any moisture that could be present.

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