mardi 20 août 2013

Forex Cash Blog: Forex Market Success: What Currencies Are Traded t...

 The value of Currency plays a vital role in this advanced era and can bring a huge profit or loss for you. The Forex Trading is a global ...
Forex trading is different from other markets on the following basis:
It is the largest market and conducted worldwide.
It is active 24 hours a day excluding weekends.
The major factor, it depends upon is the fluctuation of currencies that are in exchange.
The marginal rate is lower as compared to the other financial markets and Leverage is used to increase or decrease the margin rate.
Unlike Stock Exchange Market, here in Forex, the trader can directly deal with the broker individually.
The participants involved in this business are categorized into various classes, i.e. Interbank (the largest financial institution around the world), Spreads (Those who play with the bid price and the ask price), commercial banks, corporations and retail marketers, speculators, etc.

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