samedi 1 mars 2014

Police Cars With A Prisoner Partition

By Leticia Jensen

A prisoner partition is a feature that is most often seen in vehicles that are used for policing purposes. They can be placed in many different kinds of vehicles, as the police have different types of vehicles. They have cars specially made for fast responses and cars that are just for general transportation. Makes of police vehicles include Ford, BMW and Toyota.

Partitions can be placed in a police vehicle for various reasons. The most obvious perhaps is to separate the drivers of the vehicle from the person or persons whom have been collected for breaking the law. Partitions are therefore used for safety purposes, as the officers who are in the vehicle need to be protected. The barrier will ensure that no weapon can be used to harm them, and will not allow the prisoners to reach the officers in any way.

The police will do all they can to ensure that a criminal climbs into the vehicle unarmed, however, sometimes a knife or other sharp object is overlooked during the body search. The criminal may feel the need to get away from the officers, and may therefore try to use the weapon. The outcome of an attack on an officer whilst he or she is driving is not good. This is why partitions are secured into police vehicles.

When the police need to drive with their dogs, cars with partitions are most often used. The partitions will keep the dogs in the rear of the vehicle so that they can travel safely. Police dogs are well-trained animals that are capable of things that humans can't do. Their great sense of smell is one of their best traits for police work, and they are also faster than a human police officer.

Some cars used by the police are modified to reach higher speeds more quickly. These are the cars that respond to incidents, and are therefore called response vehicles. They are equipped with warning lights, and will also have audible warnings so that other vehicles let them pass as quickly as possible. They could have other unique features too, like powerful firearms. There are only a few of these cars per area.

Patrol cars are more readily available, and their main purpose is to transport police officers to the locations where they need to be for their policing duties. Policemen do not patrol on foot as much anymore, but use patrol cars instead. However, some countries are trying to get their officers to spend less time in their vehicles so that they can interact more with the public.

Additional police cars used are traffic cars, for ensuring that civilians follow the traffic rules, and unmarked cars that could be useful for various purposes. Surveillance, anti-riot and multipurpose cars are usually part of the fleet as well, helping with investigations, patrolling, breaking up riots and response. Anti-riot vehicles are often partitioned.

Anti-riot vehicles may include mini-buses, 4x4s or vans that transport prisoners. They will often have caged windows and be able to eject tear gas. Any of the above types of police vehicles mentioned may be fitted with this partition.

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