mercredi 18 septembre 2013

Facebook Jail: How To Stay Out

By Ken Acree

Have you heard all about Facebook Jail yet? You may have read that the entire concept is made up. Unfortunately, this isn't exactly the truth. Although it may not technically be called "jail," it is very possible for you to have your privileges suspended. Keep reading to learn how to avoid this dire consequence.

You may be wondering why you should even care. Well, if you are one of the one billion Facebook users on the planet, then I would imagine that you wouldn't enjoy being kicked off of or frozen out of the site. If you are a marketer attempting to promote any type of business online, then it is an even bigger deal. With so much traffic flowing through the site, you could definitely cost yourself a pretty penny if you were to be temporarily or even worse, permanently banned.

Some people complain that putting users in "jail" is unfair. Worrying about whether it is fair or not is counterproductive. The fact remains that you better learn how to play by their rules if you want to continue to use the site.

There are three surefire steps that you can take if you want to avoid Facebook Jail completely. You need to act naturally, avoid the use of spam techniques, and be engaging.

It is important to be yourself when hanging out on social media like Facebook. If you try to be something that you are not, people will see right through your act. Never try to friend people that you don't really have a relationship with. This can land you in jail quickly.

Never spam anybody. Many marketers eagerly send spam links the minute they hit Facebook to anyone and everyone. If this is your marketing plan, you might as well get the hand cuffs ready.

Learn how to engage your audience. The number one rule of marketing is to give the audience what they want. Meet them where they are. Provide value and you will build up a wide following. Those with wide Facebook followings typically get more leeway and are less likely to be "imprisoned."

Bottom Line: You can stay out of Facebook Jail if you use the platform the way it was intended. Us it as a platform to get social and connect with others, not primarily as a soap box for you to stand on and pitch product to anyone within earshot.

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